Mobilus in India

Blog of month long trip to India - Dec/Jan 06/07

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Mysore, Mysore...The Love Part

Just as we had decided Mysore was the most horrible place - it is much smaller than Bangalore - western women are total novelty and is totally exhausting beating everyone off - then a miracle - Susie looking for a vendor she had used before, stumbled upon Dr. Anan - her friend from her last visit, 2 years ago. He is a school ayurvetic Dr. - 10 years of university studies in Mysore and Bangalore to join the family business of ayurveydic Dr's since the Raj gifted 350 acres of herb growing land outside of Mysore to his family , actually his great-grandfather in 1860. The family still grow all herbs for 100% pure oils. It was an incredible experience - Susie had gone out alone and came back bouncing around the room so excited to take me! What an expereince. It was dark so we hired an autorickshaw for 150 rupies ($4) to drive us there and back and wait for us outside. Anan pulled me upstairs to introduce me to his boys - who were anxious to show me the slimey eyeball (plastic!) that they had shown Susie 3 hours earlier, typical kid behavior - they had Alladin on the TV! When he was finished with his client, Anan had us downstairs for Chai tea before assessing me as he had assessed Susie earlier. He cracked my back and neck and it felt incredible. We sampled each oil, by smell on each nuckle, then wrists then upper arms...running out of smelling spots! I got some oils for alergies, stress, sleep and perfume. He told us what to eat and not eat based on his assessment - I cannot eat pork...yeah Jacquie - we have an excuse now for pork for us! We were there for almost 4 hours from the time we left and returned to the hotel. Anan is a most wonderful person, as was his wife - but it was nuts - inbetween the time we were there, people were coming and going and his assistants were coming in to take and refill certain oils and he was giving them rupies for all sorts of things - and he had two cell phones that kept ringing!!! He says he works 18 hours a day and loves it - also his three kids would in succession poke their heads in the office and he would tease them. His little daughter kissed us both on each cheek and forhead. Finally we were done, because we had not brought much money to the neighborhood, his brother followed us to our hotel on his motorcycle - so we could pay him. Susie rode on the back of the motorcycle and I took the autorickshaw back! Dr. Anan has many Canadian and American clients he exports to because the quality of his oils are so high. What an interesting experience.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I did so love that motorcycle ride!
Wish I had bought him a helmet though...
I have been thinking about that...that moment when you can do something for someone, and if you hesitate, that moment is lost....
Mysore IS hectic, but still cool, you know, we really didnt get very far, we coulda used one more day...

4:14 PM  

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